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This is our website for research and teaching purposes and no longer updated. For the start-up company breathe medical please see: external page


Countries with more fragile medical systems, for example in Low and Middle-Income countries (LMIC), need low-cost ventilators to raise the capacity of their healthcare systems. LMICs are likely to be left out of the current surge in ventilator development for COVID-19 due to international shortages and prohibitive costs. COVID-19 has highlighted the need for low-cost ventilators internationally beyond the pandemic. We focus especially on field use, e.g. ambulances, patient transport and emergency and critical care.


We are a team of engineers, an industrial designer and medical advisors who are designing, prototyping and testing a low-cost ventilator to meet the unique needs of developing countries. We are getting a head start on a next-generation ventilator that builds on current developments to create a use-case and user-driven product. When finished, we will make our design open and available to all.

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Designing low-cost medical devices


This project is part of the ETH for Development initiative.

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