

This is our old website which is not updated anymore - please visit our new website
external pagehttps://breathe-​

It is important for us to learn from experiences of medical professionals working is low resource settings and to incorporate this knowledge into the design of the “breathe” ventilator. That is why, we have initiated the user needs survey on transport ventilators in low-resource settings:

  • The purpose of the survey is to learn about user needs, problems and preferences for transport ventilators.
  • The survey is intended for medical professionals, who currently are or used to work in low resource settings and Low-and-Middle Income Countries.
  • The results of the survey will be used to define design requirements for the “breathe“ ventilator.
  • To fill out the survey you will need about 10 minutes.
  • The survey is confidential.

To participate in the survey please visit:
If you are willing to share your story with us in a form of an interview please contact Dr. Thomas Lumpe .

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